The Forge: Art for Outdoors 

Art for Outdoors was an opportunity for forge participants in Malvern to design and create artwork for public display on the grounds of Malvern Cube. Working with artist Mark Riley from Creative States, 5 participants were given a brief to create artwork that best represents the ethos of Malvern Cube, which is to be:  

  • Responsive to community need 
  • Accessible 
  • Inclusive 
  • Affordable 
  • Ethical 
  • Diverse 
  • Sustainable 

From these the group selected three key words to explore in their designs: ‘Ethical’, ‘Accessible’ and ‘Community’. They then decided that they would use wood, paint and clay to create panels to be displayed on one of the outer walls of the Malvern Cube building. 

“Absolutely wonderful! And I love the concept and the way the young people have chosen the key words. I am thrilled with the result.” – Manager, Malvern Cube 

The finished work will be included in the Young Voices New Visions 2024 exhibition at Worcester Cathedral. Once finished, the artwork will be returned to Malvern Cube for public display in July 2024.